12" x 8" Wet Wash Sieve, #200,Brass with Stainless Steel, WITHOUT backup cloth. $ 272.99
8" Brass Sieve Cover Lid $ 29.49
8" Diameter #200 Wet Wash Sieves, Brass with Stainless Steel Mesh - Available WITH or WITHOUT Backup Cloth from $ 161.49
8" Sieve Pan, 1"Deep (Half Height) $ 31.99
8" Sieve Pan, 2"Deep (Full Height) $ 35.99
8" Sieves - Choose Half or Full Height - Brass w/ SS Mesh from $ 69.49
Cone and Tamper Only for Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggregate $ 65.99
Cone for Fine Aggregate $ 29.99
Corps. of Engineers Wash Assembly $ 748.49
Replacement Screen for Corps. of Engineering Sieve $ 76.99