Core Preperation
HMA's 16" Blade CoreSaw Package - Asphalt from $ 3,582.99
HMA's 4" or 6" Core-Clamp from $ 342.99
4" Core Clamp Insert - For Use with HMA's 6" Core Clamp $ 120.00
CoreDryPRO w/ PumpSaver $ 9,340.00
CoreLok® Asphalt Density Measurement System - by InstroTek $ 9,324.00
CoreLok Bags from $ 83.00
Core Marking Pen - Available in Silver or Gold from $ 6.49
Flexible Hose Assembly, Saturation Hose $ 349.99
The Katz X-Tractor - 4" or 6" Core Removal Tool $ 99.99
Automatic Pave Saw
Gyratory Loading Scoop, Galvanized $ 176.99
Asphalt Roller Compactor - ARC