Coring Accessories
Core Marking Pen - Available in Silver or Gold from $ 6.49
Coring Drill Bit Extension Rods - Available in 4, 6, 12, 24 & 36" Lengths from $ 54.99
Specialized Asphalt/Concrete Core Bits - Cuts 4" or 6" Cores from $ 269.99
HMA's 4" or 6" Core-Clamp from $ 342.99
The 'Choker' Asphalt Core Retriever $ 36.99
Copper Bit Washer, 1-1/4 inch $ 15.49
4" Core Clamp Insert - For Use with HMA's 6" Core Clamp $ 120.00
Plastic Bit Washer, 1-1/4 inch $ 5.49
Milwaukee® Drill Motor Shear Pin $ 3.99
M-5 Quick-Disconnect Core Drill Motor Mount for M-2 $ 691.99
Hamburg (HWT) Sample Trimming Jig $ 400.49
Core Rig Roller Replacement Kit $ 199.99