Bowls, Pans, Cans, Flasks, Funnels, Buckets
Sample Tins 3 oz. without lid (case of 500) $ 399.99
Sample Tins 4 oz. (box of 36) $ 62.99
Sample Tins 6 oz. (case of 240) $ 489.99
Sample Tins 8 oz. $ 362.00
Saybolt Viscosity Receiving Flask - 60ml $ 93.99
Stainless Steel Bowl Available in 3qt, 5qt, 8qt, and 13.5qt from $ 24.99
Stainless Steel Vacuum Tube, 3/8" $ 25.99
The "BEAST" Heavy Duty Asphalt Mixer
The "Bottom Feeder" Flat-Bottomed Scoops - 12, 24, 45 or 63oz. from $ 74.99
Volumetric Flask with Snap Cap Available in 100mL. 250mL, 500mL & 1000mL from $ 17.99