Asphalt Testing
MX Immersion Heater / Circulator $ 1,229.99
PILOT5000 Chemical Resistant Diaphragm Vacuum Pump $ 929.49
5.3 Cubic Ft Yamato DKN-602C Oven 120 or 240v $ 3,459.99
HMA's 30-Gallon Density Bath Combo $ 374.99
QuarterMaster® Quick Funnel Insert $ 371.99
Pyro-Clean® Pyrolytic Oven
Aluminum Tube, Case of 272 - ASTM D7173 $ 435.00
Budget AC Dispenser, 2-Quart Stainless Steel (Batter Can) $ 114.49
Density Weighing Cradles - Available in 3 Sizes - Please Select Size from $ 63.99
6" HMA Gyratory Specimen Paper Disc - Single or Value Pack from $ 43.99
Asphalt Roller Compactor - ARC
The "BEAST" Heavy Duty Asphalt Mixer